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Where to buy UK Fake Drivers Licences

🔥 Information on copies of fake UK Government Issued licences and counterparts.

 Note:  We do not, have never, and will never make fake driving licences for any country. None of the following constitutes legal advice. If you are concerned about anything, consult a solicitor or lawyer.

Fake UK Driving Licence with fictional character Rodney Trotter

We really recommend avoiding breaking the law at all costs. Despite explicitly stating several times that we do not make driving licences, we still get many emails a day from reading comprehension challenged people who somehow got access to the Internet.

In the United Kingdom, the legislation governing fake driving licences is chiefly Identity Documents Act 2010 (PDF).

What does the UK Identity Cards Act say about Fake Drivers Licences?

Section 4 of this act covers the possession of false identity documents with improper intention.

Section 7 defines the meaning of an identity document for the purposes of Sections 4,5 and 6 of the Identity Cards Act 2010.

Section 7 (e) defines an “identity card” for the purposes of the act as

“a licence to drive a motor vehicle granted under Part 3 of the Road Traffic 1988 or under Part 2 of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981…”

Under Section 6 (2) of the Identity Cards Act, persons found guilty of possession of a fake driving licence as defined above are liable to

(a) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or a fine (or both), or

(b) on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding the maximum period or a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum (or both).

If for some reason, after reading that, you’d like to push on regardless and get a fake driving licence, we must caution that the vast majority of sites offering fake driving licences are scams.

We’ve done a bit of googling and the only site that is stupid enough to offer reasonably close copies of the UK driving licence is the confusingly named fake-id-uk.com

We are not associated with fake-id-uk.com in any way and are not responsible for any repercussions arising from you doing business with them.

We do not condone the lawbreaking activities that may occur on that website.

We get many, many stupid enquiries for people looking for fake UK drivers licences, and this is just a way of directing these morons away from out site.

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